To make sure that modelling is the best fit for you and your child, please take a look at some of the requirements, hints and tips from Finch's Agency
Babies & Toddlers
Should be confident and happy in the presence of new people, usually you will be taking your child into the audition room at this age but they need to be comfortable in different situations.
Children & Teenagers
Should be well behaved and confident around adults and other children. Be able to act on their (feet excuse the pun) and be ready to improvise. Age 5 upwards I would suggest joining Spotlight which is a web based directory which is a vital link to gaining some fantastic jobs. I can give you a link to join should you wish.

Castings & Auditions
Something to take into account is 9/10 castings and auditions are very last minute meaning you might be contacted today to audition tomorrow. The majority of these auditions and castings are in London and tend to be after school for (school age children) and youngsters during the day.
Jobs are almost always during school time and when this happens we need to apply for a licence which will include getting permission from your child's school. In the past as a rule this has never been an issue. Please do not think about getting a licence in advance as you need the details of the job you are doing beforehand, also this is something I will be organising along with your help. Parents usually chaperone their own child unless the director provides a professional, qualified chaperone.
West End shows always have their own chaperones.
Finch strives to give any child that is keen on the industry the opportunity to "give it a go". So it's not all about a pretty face, you need character, confidence, you cannot be shy and need to speak up when asked questions.
Initially the first few auditions/castings will seem daunting but don't worry about that the more you do the easier they become. Be aware you can do loads of auditions before you actually get that lucky break and nail the job, it's nothing personal but sometimes it's down to matching other people for the role.

Costs & Headshots
There is no joining fee to Finch's Agency. We take 20% commission from your jobs to cover our time and overheads.
We ask that once you join you do get clear pictures of your child whether you use a professional photographer or you follow tips on taking a good picture yourself we suggest that you provide at least four high resolutions shots.
See hints and tips from Spotlight, connecting performers with roles in theatre, television and film productions to get the best from your headshots.
If you are interested to join Spotlight, please speak to me for further details and a direct link. Current joining fees are £162 a year.
Please fill in the required fields and we will be in touch regarding your application.